THE HILL, October 24, 2016.
Ensuring Healthy Eyes and Healthy Profits. Dr. Andrea Thau, President of the American Optometric Association’s editorial in support of the Contact Lens Consumer Protection Act.
Ensuring Healthy Eyes and Healthy Profits. Dr. Andrea Thau, President of the American Optometric Association’s editorial in support of the Contact Lens Consumer Protection Act.
Pilot-Tribune &Enterprise, October 24, 2016.
Be Scary but Safe This Halloween. Dr. Andrea Thau, President of the American Optometric Association discusses the importance of a comprehensive eye examination and professional contact lens fitting by a doctor of optometry among other steps to ensure safe lens wear.
Be Scary but Safe This Halloween. Dr. Andrea Thau, President of the American Optometric Association discusses the importance of a comprehensive eye examination and professional contact lens fitting by a doctor of optometry among other steps to ensure safe lens wear.
Self Magazine, August 24, 2016, Amy Marturana.
Seriously, Sleeping In Your Contacts Is So Dangerous
Seriously, Sleeping In Your Contacts Is So Dangerous
CBS News, August 18, 2016, Ashley Welch.
Prevent Eye Infections From Contact Lenses With These Tips.
Prevent Eye Infections From Contact Lenses With These Tips. This Is Exactly What You Should Do If Your Contact Lens Gets Lost In Your Eye. April 13, 2016. Andrea Thau, OD president-elect of the American Optometric Association and spokesperson for Think About Your Eyes, an awareness campaign that promotes the importance of eye health and an annual eye exam is quoted extensively.
HUFFINGTON POST, September 26, 2013.
What Every Contact Lens Wearer Needs to Know (But is Afraid to Ask). Dr. Andrea Thau, an associate clinical professor at the SUNY College of Optometry and spokesperson for the American Optometric Association is quoted extensively.
What Every Contact Lens Wearer Needs to Know (But is Afraid to Ask). Dr. Andrea Thau, an associate clinical professor at the SUNY College of Optometry and spokesperson for the American Optometric Association is quoted extensively.