What is Vision Therapy
Eye care goes beyond eye health and eyesight. As developmental optometrists, we have a broader approach to vision. We focus on how the brain and the eyes work together to provide our patients with clear, comfortable, single vision. We also focus on how the brain comprehends what the eyes see known as visual perception. Problems such as headaches, eye strain, discomfort, double vision, tracking difficulties, as well as deficiencies in visual memory, reading comprehension and hand-eye coordination can be treated with Optometric Vision Therapy. Optometric Vision Therapy is unique. Unlike generic, self-guided programs, Optometric Vision Therapy is personalized to the individual patients' needs and supervised by our Optometrists.
How do I get started?
The first step to any Vision Therapy program is a comprehensive eye-examination. Your doctor of optometry will examine your ocular health, determine if you need spectacles for near or far visual tasks, and evaluate how your eyes and brain work together as a team. The doctor will evaluate focusing and tracking ability, as well visual processing and perceptual skills. The functionality of your visual system will determine whether you can benefit from Optometric Vision Therapy.
Some common misconceptions about the visual system
Sometimes, 20/20 vision is not enough. Although glasses may help achieve better visual acuity, a child (or adult) with "perfect" vision may still have problems with reading and learning. It is estimated that nearly 80% of learning is done via the visual system. Focusing and relaxing the eyes comfortably and accurately requires that the brain and the eyes work together.
When this system is deficient, patients have reduced reading comprehension, shorter attention spans, frequent headaches, and problems with fine-motor skills such as penmanship and sports.
When this system is deficient, patients have reduced reading comprehension, shorter attention spans, frequent headaches, and problems with fine-motor skills such as penmanship and sports.
We treat patients of all ages. Because the brain is a constantly developing organ, it is never too late to train the visual system to work to its full potential.
Please visit the links below to learn more:
Don't forget to contact our office today at 212-685-2457 with any questions you may have or to schedule your comprehensive eye-examination and Visual Therapy Evaluation.